Welcome to ISEN Formación Profesional !

Welcome to ISEN, a leading institution dedicated to providing high-quality vocational education and training. At ISEN, we believe in equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen careers, regardless of their background or location.

About Us

ISEN has been at the forefront of vocational education for over 40 years, offering a wide range of industry-relevant programs and courses designed to meet the needs of today's job market. Our institution is renowned for its commitment to excellence, innovation, and student success.

Programs and Courses

Each program is carefully crafted to provide students with hands-on experience, practical skills, and industry-relevant knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared for their chosen career path. For me information, feel free to look at our Academic Programme:
Discover our diverse range of vocational training programs and courses, including fields such as:

Web Applications Development

Multiplatform Application Development

Pre-school Education


Medical Documentation and Administration

Auxiliary Nursing Care

Pharmacy and Parapharmacy Technician

Administrative Management

Administrative Services

IT and Communications

Services Available on Campus

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Conference Room

Need a space for meetings or group discussions? Our conference room is available for you.
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Music and Dance Room

Unleash your creativity and express yourself through music and dance in our dedicated room equipped with instruments and sound systems.
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Need access to a computer? Request a laptop at the secretary's office for your academic use.

Science Laboratory

Explore the world of science and conduct experiments in our fully equipped laboratory, where hands-on learning meets academic excellence.


Dive into a world of knowledge with our extensive collection of books available for loan, as well as access to LEO (Online Electronic Books) for convenient digital reading.
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Art Room

Let your imagination run wild in our art room, where you can unleash your creativity and explore various artistic mediums.
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Rest Area

Take a break from your studies and relax in our comfortable rest area, designed to provide students with a tranquil environment in between classes.
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Refuel and recharge at our cafeteria, offering a variety of breakfast options, sandwiches, snacks, and more. Don't forget to follow @cantina.isen on Instagram for updates and specials!
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Stay connected and browse the web with ease – all students have access to free WIFI on campus, ensuring you're always connected to the digital world.
With these services available on campus, we strive to provide students with a supportive and enriching environment for their academic and personal growth.

For more information about our institution and city, take a look at our International Student guide:

Discover Cartagena, Spain:

Nestled along Spain's southeastern coast, Cartagena is a captivating blend of ancient history and vibrant culture. Explore its Roman ruins, including the iconic Theatre and Forum District, and ascend the Castillo de la Concepción for panoramic views. Immerse yourself in cultural events and festivals year-round, indulge in delectable Spanish cuisine, and embrace outdoor adventures from coastal hikes to Mediterranean sailing. In the lively city centre, discover bustling streets, lively markets, and charming plazas, ensuring an unforgettable experience in Cartagena.

Contact us:

 International Department:  (dpto.internacional@isenfp.com) 


Together we make education global!